
Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Filcheva-Konisheva

ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia



Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Filcheva-Konisheva

Position: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia
Phone: +359 888 72 38 18

Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 02. 08. 1949, Sofia, Bulgaria

Education: MSc., Inorganic Chemistry, Sofia University “Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Chemistry, 1972

Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”: phD – 1976 in Soil Science, Research Assoc. – 1977, Assoc. Prof. – 1990; Prof. – 2005.

Key research topics:
Soil Science
Investigation of soil organic matter and methods for its determination related to:

  • soil genesis and classification;
  • soil quality, fertility and carbon sequestration;
  • carry out of different tillage systems, fertilization, crop rotations and application of sewage sludge;
  • humus formation processes management in model and natural media with organo-mineral amendments;
  • composting of different wastes and possibilities for agricultural application;
  • complex formation of soil organic matter with heavy metals and radionuclides;

Construction and management of databank on organic carbon reserves (stocks) of Bulgaria soils.


  • 1993 – Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, USA “Influence of enriched with Fe, Mn and Zn biosolids on the uptake of elements by plants”, supervisor Rufus Chaney;
  • 1993 – EC Fellowship (N 5340), The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Aberdeen, UK “Effect of pollution with heavy metals on the organic matter transformation”, supervisor Martin Cheshire;
  • 2000 – NATO Fellowship at the Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping, Larissa, Greece “New approach for maintaining and management of soil humus in sustainable agriculture”, supervisor Christos Tsadilas.

Administrative responsibilities: head of Laboratory of soil organic matter – 1987 – 1993; Scientific Secretary and head of the section “Coordination of Scientific activity, and International cooperation” – 2004 – 2008; Head of department “Soil genesis, geography and classification” – since 10.10 2011.

Organization membership: Bulgarian Humic Substances Society (BHSS) –President; International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) – Nat. Coordinator фор Булгариа;Bulgarian Soil Science Society; IUSS; European Society of Soil Conservation (ESSC) тилл 2015; Scientific Technical Union, Bulgarian Agricultural Historical Society.
Teaching Experience: MSci in Sustainable Land manegement – Soil organic matter (SOM), humus, composts, University of forestry – 2012 г., 2014 – Project „Students practice” „Characteristics of humus systems formed in different conditions”, 2014 – Programs for за individual and grouped preparation of young scientists in „soil organic matter”. Project Ministry of education and Science, BG051PO001- “Program for improving of interdisciplinary preparation and increasing qualification of young scientists in soil science and ecology.

International projects after 2000:

  • “Improvement of zeolite effect in polluted soils for better nitrogen and carbon sequestration”, RITE, Japan(2001-2002);
  • “Improvement of zeolite effect in flooded soils for better nitrogen and carbon sequestration “, RITE, Japan, (2002-2003);
  • Phyto Dec – A decision Support System to quantify cost/benefit relationships of the use of vegetation in the management of heavy metal polluted soils and dudged sediments;
  • GEF/UNDP financed project entitled “Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Bulgaria”, 2005-2006;
  • ECOLAS (Professional Services Agreement 06812/PI-01) “Development and implementation of a soil monitoring and assessment for the Republic of Bulgaria” 2004-2005;
  • Floods and other region weather-driven natural hazards – prediction and mitigation (WDNH): Soils data – Bulgaria. JRC/ISS N. Poushkarov (2006-2007);
  • FP6 – Environmental Assessment of Soil for Monitoring (ENVASSO) (2006-2008);
  • Development of educational module on sustainable land management for the needs of professional secondary schools for agriculture and forestry. UNDP/ISS “N. Poushkarov”, Bulgaria (2006-2007);
  • “Defining the Possible SLM Options Based on the Organic Carbon Reserves in the Bulgarian Soils”, UNDP/BHSS, 2007.
  • GS Soil “Assessment and strategic development of INSPIRE compliant Geodata-Services for European Soil Data” (2009-2012).

Membership of professional bodies: Scientific Council of the Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”; Expert Council for Soil Science, General Agronomy and Melioration at the National Center for Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Academy (since 2007); Specialized Scientific Council for Soil Science, Agro chemistry and General Agronomy at the Highest Testimonial Commission -2007-May 2010;

Journals editorial board: “Soil science, Agrochemistry and ecology”; Journal of Ecological Science “Ecology and Future”; “J. Balkan Ecology; Journal, Geosciences Report; Editorial-in-Chief of World Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences; Assoc. Editor of Journal „Geochemical Exploration”..

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: Тоtal publications 251 including 3 monographs, 5 chapters in book (2002), chapter in Proceeding “Sustainable Land Management” (2007), 6 chapters in book (2014), Journals, Proceedings in conferences, congresses, 1 dissertation, 1Habilitation Thesis; and 2 invention Certificates, 262 citations of 97 publications(index h=5).

Selected papers:

  1. Filcheva Ekaterina. 2015. Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter of Bulgarian Soils. Lap Lambert Academic publishing ISBN 978-3-659-
    51204-9, pp. 177.
  2. Filcheva Ekaterina, Paunka Bozhinova, Nikolai Dinev, Mariana Hristova. 2017. Soil Organic matter and its role in binding heavy metals.
    Studies on polluted soils of Bulgaria. LambertAcademic publishing ISBN 978-3-33006566-6, pp. 67.
  3. Toma Shishkov, Ekaterina Filcheva, Margarita Nankova, Milena. Kercheva, Emil Dimitrov. 2019. Humic Substances, physicochemical properties and agrochemical characteristic of stronghly leached Chernozem from northeastern BULGARIA, Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,29-44.
  4. Apostolova D., E. Filcheva, A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova. 2019. Characterization of Soil Organic Matter and PAHs concentration in soils at Livingston Island, Andarctica. Silva Balcanica Journal, 20 (Special issue 1), 117-122.
  5. Kostova, I., Apostolova, D., Filcheva, F., Klain, L., Popov M. 2015. “Geochemical composition and properties of Antarctic soil samples from Livingston Island”. – Annual of the University of mining and geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Vol. 58, Part I, Geology and Geophysics, 107-116
  6. Ekaterina Filcheva, Mariana Hristova, Pavlina Nikolova, Todorka Popova, Konstantin Chakalov, Valentin Savov. 2018. Quantitative and qualitative characterisation of humic products with spectral parameters. . Journal of Soils and Sediments. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018, ISSN: 1614-7480, Issue 8, pp 2863–2867
  7. Toma Shishkow, Ekaterina Filcheva. 2018. Trace elements and organic matter composition in strongly leached cinnamonic forest soil from Pernik region. Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,79-88.
  8. D. Apostolova, E. Filcheva, A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova 2019. Characterization of Soil Organic Matter and PAHs concentration in soils at Livingstone Island, Antarctida. Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,79-88.
  9. Martin Haigh *, Patricia Woodruffe, Margaret D'Aucourt, Elanor Alun, Gillian Wilding, Sue Fitzpatrick, Ekaterina Filcheva, Maya Noustorova. 2020. Successful Ecological Regeneration of Opencast Coal-mine Spoilsthrough Forestation: From Cradle to Grove. Minerals. (In: Gutierrez, M. (ed), ‘Sustainable use of abandoned mines’ special issue). Minerals (MDPI) 10(5), art. 461, 1-28.
  10. Ekaterina Filcheva, Maya Noustorova, Mariana Hristova, Boika Malcheva, Martin Haigh. 2020. Microbiological Activity and Soil Organic Matter in Technosols of Wales. Catena (in Press)



assist. prof Konstantin Ivanov Chakalov

Position: Terra Power
Phone: 0893521056

Office: Tera Power, JsCo1202 Sofia, 8, Malashevska str.

Education: Mr.Sci.Agronomist in Plant protection, High Institute of Agriculture, Agronomy Faculty, Sofia, 1979
Degrees: Assis. Prof.

Key research topics: Study and application of natural minerals in gardening, ecology and conventional agriculture; Investigation the possibilities for producing humus substances by chemical and biological way;Study and utilization of hydroponic and zeoponic methods for plants growing; Developing of artificial substrata for plants growing.

Fellowships: Evaluation the impact on the environment

Teaching Experience: consultant of three phD student

Administrative responsibilities:

  • Head of laboratory, 1980-1994 –Asiistent profesor research of zeolite utilization in agroecology –Mineralagro JSCo ; Institute of nonmetalik minerals ; MIneralagroenginering JSCo; Niproruda AD
  • 1982-1994 Head of group for research and development of new zeolite products for agriculture and ecology
  • 1994-2017 Project Manager – Agro chemistry and Agro technology – ROMB JSCo ;
  • 1994-2019 Director research and development and in addition
  • 2014 Head of the Laboratory of Agrochemistry and agrotechnology – ROMB JSCo; Balkan Plant Sciences ROMB JSCo
  • 2019 -2020 Head of group for research and development of new биопродуктите; Agronomist – Terra Powеr JSCo
  • 2000-2020 – expert consultant of Tera Mix JSCo


  • Travel Grand: 4-th Inf. Conf. on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolite, Boise, Idaho, June 20-28, 1993
  • Travel Grand: 2nd Int. Congr.,ESSC, Development and Implementation of Soil Conservation, Strategies for Sustaainable Land Use, 1-7 September, 1996, Munchen, Germany
  • Golden Prize AGRA 2010 “Method for treatment of organic westes ith zeolite – biotransformation of dug guano wif better fisiological activity –JUGRA (ROMB JSC)
  • Invited Speaker: Ist National Humic Substance Congress, 06-09 June 2012, Sakarya/ Turkey
  • Invited Speaker: 4th International Conferense on Humic Substance, 25-29 October 2019, Sakarya /Turkey
  • Invited Speaker: 2nd Int. Congr., Advanced Chemistry 2021 ; Berlin, Germany,

Organization membership: Bulgarian of Humic Substanses Society – Secretary, International of Humic Substanses Society (IHSS)

International projects after 2000:

  • Improvement of the efficiency of zeolite treatment of polluted soil for their belter storage of organic C and nitrogen- RITE, Kyoto, Japan, 2001-2002; Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – Niproruda AD, Sofia
  • Improvement of the efficiency of zeolite treatment of flooded soils for their better storage of carbon and nitrogen, RITE, Kyoto, Japan, 2002-2003. Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – Niproruda AD, Sofia
  • Piloted engineering project “Demonstrative reclamation of clay substrate with zeolite in Marica Iztok Mine JSC. Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – Niproruda AD, Sofia 2000
  • Executive Project – Laming of polluted with hjeavy metal and As soil in region Zlatica-Pirdop, Bulgaria. Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – Niproruda JSC, Sofia ,1999
  • Study of clinoptilolite influence on jon-hydrooxide equilibrium of amphoteric elements in organ- – zeolite substrates (Teoretical model).1996 Ministry of Education and Sciences (MES) CC – 418.
  • Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – MIneralagroenginering JSC, Sofia
  • Study of zeolite influence on Phosphate Bupher Capacety in soils (MES-CC576) 1996 Head of the project – Todorka Popova, Konstantin Chakalov member of research group – Mineralagroenginering JSC, Sofia
  • Innovation project -73/05-Contract 02-24.10.20) 05. Method for preparation of multifunctional bio mineral products for agriculture and ecology (Inovation Fond Bulgaria, Head of the project – Konstantin Chakalov – Niproruda JSC, Sofia , ROMB ltd, Central Laboratori for Ecology – Bulgarian Academy of Science
  • RD 12-39-330, Creation of a database of pollutants from industrial waste in a transboundary aspect and a logical framework from problem solving 04.10.2011- 03.10.2012

Membership of professional bodies: Scientific and Technological council of Nonmetalic ore and NiPRORUDA JSco

Journals editorial board: Year book of the Scientific Technological council of Nonmetalic ore Institute

Communication Languages: English, Russian


  • Plant biostimulator: Kostantin Chakalov, BG, Sofia, Todorka Doncheva Popova, BGSofia, Nadya Krasimirova Again Stoyanova, BG, Sofia, Marina Stefanova Badalova, BG, Sofia, Valentin Alexandrov Savov, BG, Sofia, Gergana Videlinova, BG, Sofia, Tsvetelina Rumenova Metodieva, Защитен номSecurity number 2981,16.07.2018
  • SUBSTRATE FOR GROWING PLANTS: Konstantin Ivanov Chakalov, BG,Sofia, Todorka Doncheva Popova BG, Sofia; Hristo Grozdanov, Hristov, BG, Sofia, Evgeni Nikolov Valkov, BG, Sofia, Nikola Georgiev Todorov, BG, Sofia, Milka Petrova Georgieva BG, Sofia; Security nunber 39305
  • SUBSTRATE FOR GROWING PLANTS; Konstantin Ivanov Chakalov, BG, Ivan Atanasov Naskov, BG, Perustica, Ivan Dimitrov Galabov, BG, Sofia, Georgi Petrov Stoilov BG, Plovdiv, Security number 42361
  • Method for reclamation of banks of mining and processing industry: Vanya Petrova Georgieva, BG, Sofia, Kamen Dimitrov Dimitrov, BG, Sofia, Konstantin Ivanov Chakalov, BG, Sofia, Номер на заявка 79568.
  • Methods for root cuttings, Konstantin Ivanov Chakalov, BG, Sofia, Todorka Doncheva Popova, BG, Sofia, valentine Aleksandrov Savov, BG, Sofia, Gergana Videlinova Angelinova, BG, Sofia, Tsvetelina Rumenova Metodieva BG, Sofia, Nadya Krasimirova Again Красимирова Агайн, BG, Sofia Security number 2757
  • К.Chakalov. Т. Popova. N. Аgain-Stoyanova and V. Savov. Liquid fertilizer for hydroponic plants growing. No 5159/06.11.2020, Tera power Ltd

Publications: > 100
Selected papers:

  1. Ekaterina Filcheva, Mariana Hristova, Pavlina Nikolova, Todorka Popova, Konstantin Chakalov, Valentin Savov. 2018. Quantitative and qualitative characterisation of humic products with spectral parameters. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018, ISSN: 1614-7480, Issue 8, pp 2863–2867
  2. Filcheva Ekaterina, Rossitza Ilieva, Konstantin Chakalov, Todorka Popova, Valentin Savov, Mariana Hristova. 2017. Characterization of Humic System in Fertilizer Raw Materials. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A7(2017), 11-17.
  3. Margarita Nankova, Valentin Savov, Konstantin Chakalov, Ekaterina Filcheva.2019. Long-term Low-input Nutrition Regim of Haplic Chernozems and Its Influence on the productivity of T.aestivum L. Cultivars. Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706, 55-62.
  4. Konstantin Chakalov, Todorka Popova, Valentin Savov, Gergana Angelova-Deleva, Cvetelina Metodieva. 2019. INFLUENCE OF BIO HUMATES ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL ANSWER OF POINSETTIA. Silva Balcanica, 20(2)/2019, 111-115.
  5. K. Chakalov and T. Popova. 2014. Effect of zeolite treated water on the phytochrome system of plants ZEOLITE. 2014. 9th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites 8 – 13 June 2014 Belgrade, Serbia, 47-49.
  6. Popova T., O. Petrov, K. Chakalov, K. Mitov, E. Filcheva. 2003. Modified zeolites – properties and application in soil ecology. In Proc.: X Balkan Mineral Processing Congress (L. Kuzev, I. Nishkov, A. Boteva, D. Mocheva eds.), 15-20 June, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria, 844-849.
  7. Chakalov K., T. Popova, E. Filcheva, K. Mitov. 2005. Influence of modified zeolite on some physical – chemical and biochemical properties of the polluted humus calcareous soils from Kardzali region. In: Proc. National conference with international participation „Management, use and protection of soil resources”, 15-19 May, 2005, Sofia, 415-419.
  8. Popova Todorka, Konstantin Chakalov, Gergana Angelova, and Valentin Savov. 2016. Characterization of Humic Substances from different type of Biosolubilization of Leonardite. In: Filcheva, Stefanova, Ilieva eds.). 4th Nat. conf. of BHSS with Int. Participation. 8-10 September, 2016, Sofia, ISBN 978-619-90189-2-7, 208-222.
  9. Popova T., K.Chakalov, K. Mitov, and V. Savov, 2006. Characteristics of humic acids product of lignite biotransformation. In Proc.: XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress. Onal G. at al Eds., Istanbul, Turkey, September 3-8, 2006 vol.2 pp. 1226-1230.
  10. Popova T., K.Chakalov, V. Savov, K. Mitov, and G. Angelova, 2008. Physiological Activity of Humic Substances from Bark Compost. In Proc.: 14th Meeting of IHSS Perminova T., and N. Kulikova eds. “From molecular understanding to innovative application of humic substances” , Moscow-Saint Peterburg, Russia, September 14-19, 2008, vol.2, pp. 449 452.
  11. Popova T., K. Chakalov, K. Mitov, and V. Savov, 2006. Characteristics of humic acids product of lignite biotransformation. In Proc.: XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress. Onal G. at al Eds., Istanbul, Turkey, September 3-8, 2006 vol.2 pp. 1226-1230.
  12. Popova T., K.Chakalov, V. Savov, K. Mitov, and G. Angelova, 2008. Physiological Activity of Humic Substances from Bark Compost. In Proc.: 14th Meeting of IHSS Perminova T., and N. Kulikova eds. “From molecular understanding to innovative application of humic substances” , Moscow-Saint Peterburg, Russia, September 14-19, 2008, vol.2, pp. 449 452.

Techn. Secretary:


prof. dr. Veneta Naidenova Penkova-Krasteva

Position: ISSAPP "N. Poushkarov"
Phone: (+359 2) 8 248 937

Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 07.10.1955, Sofia

Education: MSc, 1978 – agronomist, V. Kolarov Agricultural University, Plovdiv

Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”, Soil Science, PhD, 2002, Assoc.Prof., 2006.

Key research topics: Soil Science; Land evaluation, climatology, plant-growing, agriculture, agroecology.

Administrative responsibilities: Deputy Head of department “Soil genesis, geography and classification”

Membership of Scientific Councils: Scientific council department “Soil genesis, geography and classification”

Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian Soil Science Society, International Soil Science Society, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society, International Humic Substances Society

International projects after 2000: Environmental Assessment of Soil for Monitoring (ENVASSO); SPADE 2

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: 60

Selected papers:

  • Krasteva V., 2005. Soil evaluation of lands in Turnava village, Vratsa district. R. Dilkova, N. Nikolov, Sl. Krastanov, (Ed.). In: Proceedings of the “National conference with international participation – Management, use and protection of soil resources”. PublishScieSet-Eco, Sofia, Bulgaria, р. 80-83.
  • Krasteva V., Sv. Popandova, S. Nedialkov, 2005. Salinity of soils distributed in the area “Injekioiskoto blato” – territory of the Nessebar town and their compatibility for growing of basic agricultural crops. R. Dilkova, N. Nikolov, Sl. Krastanov, (Ed.). In: Proceedings of the “National conference with international participation – Management, use and protection of soil resources”. PublishScieSet-Eco, Sofia, Bulgaria, р. 84-88.
  • Krasteva V., 2007. General review of soil resources and a land evaluation of agricultural crops in Montana region. R. Dilkova, N. Nikolov, D. Bakalivanov, (Ed.). In: Proceedings of the Internatonal conference “60-years Institute of sol science “Nikola Poushkarov”: Soil science – base for sustainable agriculture and environment protection”. PublishScieSet-Eco, Sofia, Bulgaria, р. 359-363.
  • Krasteva Veneta, Anka Samalieva, Zornitsa Mitreva, 2008. Agro-production evaluation of farm lands in the Vratza district. In: Proceedings of the VII International Symposium “Ecology – sustainable development”, Vratza, Bulgaria, 2008.
  • Krasteva Veneta, Anka Samalieva, 2008. Ecological evaluation of conditons for energy crops growing in Montana district. In: Proceedings of the I National scientific-practical conference with International participation “Ecology and environment – regional and national problems and tendencies”, 5-7.06.2008, HIAC, Sofia.
  • Kercheva M., V. Krasteva, 2007. Overview of the soil information and soil protection policies in Bulgaria. Tomislav Hengl, Panos Panagos etc (Ed). Status and prospect of soil information in South-Eastern Europe. Directorate – General Joint Research Centre, p. 33-42.
  • Krasteva V., A. Samalieva, 2007. Productivity potential of the farmlands in Lom municipality. Journal of Plant sciences, Sofia, XLV, N 4, p. 302-308.
  • Samalieva A., V. Krasteva, 2007. Rational usage of agricultural lands in Straldja municipality, Yambol region. R. Dilkova, N. Nikolov, D. Bakalivanov, (Ed.). In: Proceedings of the Internatonal conference “60-years Institute of sol science “Nikola Poushkarov”: Soil science – base for sustainable agriculture and environment protection”. PublishScieSet-Eco, Sofia, Bulgaria, р 412-416.
  • Samalieva Anka, Veneta Krasteva, 2008. Eco-economical evaluation of farmlands in the Bregovo village, Vidin region. In: Proceedings of the VII International Symposium “Ecology – sustainable development”, Vratza, Bulgaria, 2008.
  • Samalieva Anka, Veneta Krasteva, 2008. Eco-economical evaluation of the agricultural lands in the region of Kameno village, Bourgas district. In: Proceedings of the scientific conference with International participation “Science in globalization conditions”. 1-2.10.2008, Kardjali, Bulgaria.


assoc. prof. dr. Krasimir Hristov Trendafilov

University of Agriculture, Plovdiv



assoc. prof. dr. Krasimir Hristov Trendafilov

Position: University of Agriculture, Plovdiv

Prof. phD Margarita Ivanova Nankova

Dobroudja Agriculturаl Institute, General Toshevo



Prof. phD Margarita Ivanova Nankova

Position: Dobroudja Agriculturаl Institute, General Toshevo
Phone: (+359) 889 706 652

Office: Dobroudja Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo, 9520, Bulgaria

Born: 18th June, 1953, General Toshevo

Education: Agricultural Academy “G. Dimitrov”, Sofia, 1975

Degrees: PhD-1983, Assoc. Prof.- 1996, Professor – 2012

Fellowships: World Centre of Fertilization – Muscle Shoals, Alabama, USA- the first Bulgarian trainee – 1995

Teaching Experience: Visiting lecturer at Ecology Department of Technical University, Varna in “ Soil Science” (2005) and “Agrochemistry” (2006-2007).
Msc and phD students: Msc – 1, phD students – 2
1. Master degree, Chemical and Metallurgical University, Sofia – “Opportunities of direct use of rock phosphates in agriculture”.
4 phD students:

  • Effect of different soil tillage systems in crop rotation on some physical and agrochemical characteristics” – of slightly leached Chernozems” Yankov Peter, 2005
  • Genotype specificity in uptake of nutritional elements in common wheat Triticum aestivum L.” – Ivanova Albena, 2007.
  • Nitrogen use efficiency in modern wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L ) grown in the conditions of conventional and transition of organic agriculture” – Atanasov Atanas 2017-2021 – In progress;
  • Effect of conventional and organic fertilization on the yield and quality of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – Ivan Valentinov Ivanov, 2022-2026 – In progress


Administrative responsibilities: Head of Agrotechnics Department in Dobroudja Agriculture Institute from 2008 to january 2019

Membership of Scientific Councils: Membership of Scientific Councils of DAI, General Toshevo; Membership of the Scientific Council on “General Agriculture, Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Meliorations” of the Academy of Agriculture

Membership of Professional Societies: ESNA, Bulgarian Fertilization Association, Bulgarian Humic substances Society, International Humic Substances Society, Union of Bulgarian Scientists – Dobrich, ISTRO

Journals editorial board: Scientific magazine of Union of Bulgarian Scientists – Dobrich, Proсееdings of DAI Conference

SciEP Journals:

  • WJAR – World Journal of Agricultural Research
  • AJRD – American Journal of Rural Development
  • AEES – Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  • JFS – Journal of Food Security
  • AJEP – American Journal of Environmental Protection
  • IJEBB – International Journal of Environmental Bioremediation & Biodegradation

Communication Languages: Russian, English

Publications: 180

Selected papers:

  1. Nankova Margarita, 2012. Long-Term Mineral Fertilization and Soil Fertility. Agricultural Science Edited by Dr. Godwin Aflakpui Publisher InTech, Shapter 6. pp 97-118, ISBN 978-953-51-0567-1,
  2. Nankova Margarita, 2018. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN HAPLIC CHERNOZEMS MINERALIZATION ABILLITY AND SOIL ORGANIC MATTER COMPOSITION AS A RESULT FROM LONG-TERM SYSTEMATIC MINERAL FERTILIZATION. Soil Scientists Society behalf V.V. Dokuchaev, Working Group of Chernozem investigation Rostov-on-Don – Taganrog Publishing house of Southern Federal University, 322-331
  3. Shishkov Toma, Ekaterina Filcheva, Margarita Nankova, Milena Kercheva, Emil Dimitrov, 2019. HUMIC SUBSTANCES, PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND AGROCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF STRONGLY LEACHED CHERNOZEM FROM NORTHEASTERN BULGARIA. Silva Balcanica, 20 (Special Issuie 1), 29-44
  5. Nankova Margarita, Ekaterina Filcheva, 2020. Reserves of nutrients and soil organic components of Haplic Chernozems. GSC Biological and Pharmacentical Science (GSCBPS) GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 11(02), 139–152, ISSN 2561-3250, e-ISSN: 2581-3250, CODEN (USA): GBPSC2
  6. Doneva Sonya, Margarita Nankova, Stefan Krustev, 2020. Investigation of the Complex Influence of High- and Low- molecular Glutenins and Crude Protein on the Quality of Bread Wheat (T. aestivum L.). ACTA SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE (ISSN: 2581-365X)”. Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.7 (2020): 150-157.
  7. Krustev Stefan, Violina Angelova, Penka Zaprjanova, Margarita Nankova and Krasimir Ivanov, 2020. “Selenium Content in Soil and Wheat Grain in Bulgaria”. Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.9 (2020): 26-31
  8. Doneva Sonya, Ivan Todorov, Margarita Nankova, Stefan Krustev, 2020. Distribution of the Chromosomal Translocation 1BL/1RS and the Allelic Combinations 7+9/j and 7+8/j in a Set of Dihaplid Lines of Common Wheat. Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG) (ISSN: 2581-365X), Volume 4 Issue 6, 8-12
  9. Nankova, M., Atanasov, A. & Iliev, I. (2021). Agrochemical characteristics of Haplic Chernozems in conventional and transition to organic farming. Field CropsStudies, XIV(2-3-4), 73-90.
  10. Nankova, M., Sabev, G., Petrova, Z., Bankova – Atanassova, G. (2021). Effect of a set of herbicides and the dates of their application to Triticum aestivum L. cultivars on the content and yield of raw protein depending on the date of sowing. Field Crops Studies, XIV(2-3-4), 27-42

assoc. prof. dr. Mariana Blagoeva Hristova

Position: ISSAPP "N. Poushkarov"
Phone: +359 887 06 36 99

Office: ISS “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 25.06.1973, Sofia

Education: Ms – chemical technology and management of economy

Degrees: Research Associate

Key research topics: genesis and classification of technogenic soils, methods for determination of total and available forms of macro and microelements in soils

Fellowships: France and Egypt

Organization membership: Bulgarian Soil Science Society; Bulgarian Humic Substances Society (BHSS).

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: 12

Selected papers:

  • Hristov Bl., M. Hristova. 2000. Humus condition Of Strongly Leached To Slightly Podzolized Cinnamon Forest Soil Damaged By Uranium Mining – First National Conference On Humus Substances And Soil Tillage, BHSS – BSTRS Conference 2000, 11-12 May, Borovec, Bulgaria, page 73-76.
  • Hristova M., Bl. Hristov. 2003. Total content of trace elements in geological and waste substrates for reclamation –Scientific papers international scientific conference “50 years university of forestry” – Session „Ecology and environment protection”,Sofia, page 69-72.
  • Hristov Bl., M. Hristova. 2003. Characteristics of the soil formation processes and classification of some recultivated soils, Scientific papers international scientific conference “50 years university of forestry” – Session „Forestry and landscape architecture”,Sofia, page 136-141.
  • Mariana Hristova. 2003. Reclamation Of Lead Polluted Cinnamon Forest Soils With Technical Hydrolyzed Lignin – Proceeding Of X Balkan Mineral Processing Congress “Mineral Processing In The 21st Century”, VarnaHydrolyzed Lignin – Proceeding Of X Balkan Mineral Processing Congress “Mineral Processing In The 21st Century”, Varna.

prof. dr. Maya Stefanova

Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry



prof. dr. Maya Stefanova

Position: Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry
Phone: (+359 2) 9606162

Office: Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. G. Bonchev str. bldg..9 Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Born: Sept, 27, 1949 Sofia, Bulgaria

Education: High Inst. Chem. Tech and Metallurgy -1972 – Organic chemistry

Degrees: PhD Higher Inst. Chem. Tech and Metallurgy: PhD-1979 “Chemistry of lignite humic acids”; Institute of Organic Chemistry: 1996 – Associated Prof.; 2013 – Prof.

Key research topics: organic chemistry

Fellowships: Post-doc positions in France, 1991, 1998; Maria-Curie fellowship “Transfer of knowledge”

Teaching Experience: chemist

Msc and phD students: 1 PhD student

Organization membership: Bulgarian Union of Scientists, Bulgarian Humic substances Society, International Humic Substances Society

International projects after 2000: > 10

Membership of Scientific Councils: IOCh-BAN

Membership of Professional Societies: Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB); Union of chemists; French Organic Geochemists (FROG); Bulgarian Humic Substances Society (BHSS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)

Journals editorial board: Fuel Proc. Tech.; Proc. Mining Univ.”St. Iv. Rilski”

Communication Languages: English, French, Russian

Selected papers:

  1. A. Zdravkov, M. Stefanova, E. Worobiec, S. Marinov, J. Kortenski (2020) “Implications for peat formation in Maritsa-West Basin, SE Bulgaria: Insights from organic petrology, palynology and biomarker assemblage”, International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 222, 1 April 2020, 103447, 2020.
  2. Z., Milakovska, M., Stefanova, G., Vladislavov, P., Nikolov, S., Marinov (2020) “Palaeoenvironmental evaluation by geochemical proxies of fluvio-lacustrine core log from the Late Miocene–Pliocene Maritsa Iztok Basin, Bulgaria” , Geological Journal (in press) 2020.
  3. S., Marinov, M., Stefanova, Z. Milakovska (2020) “Potential organic pollutants in the region of Maritsa Iztok energy complex, Bulgaria: Review on own data”, Journal Environmental Protection and Ecology (in press).
  4. Z. Milakovska, M. Stefanova, K. Markova (2020) “Weathering features of Dump Organic Matter delineated by Rock-Eval Pyrolysis by comparison to the initial Mudstone Organic Matter”, Journal Environmental Protection and Ecology, (in press)
  5. A. Zdravkov, G. Ajdanlijsky, M. Stefanova, D. Groß, Y. Dintchev. (2019) “First lithological and organic geochemical characterization of organic-rich mudstones from Shavar Formation, southeast Bulgaria”, Energy Sources. Part I, Online, 2019.
  6. M. Stefanova, Z. Milakovska, S. Marinov “Anthropogenic Pollutants in Extracts from Maritsa Iztok Dumps”, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 95, IOP Publishing Ltd, 95, 042003, 2017. DOI :10.1088/1755-1315/95/4/042003
  7. Z. Milakovska, M. Stefanova, K. Markova (2018) “Geochemical composition of organic matter from Maritsa Iztok dumps assessed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis”, Comptеs rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 71, 75-82, 2018. DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2018.01.10
  8. Z. Milakovska, M. Stefanova, G. Vladislavov, K. Markova “Mudstone and dump organic matter estimate by Rock-Eval pyrolysis”, In: 19th International Conference of Humic Substances and their Contribution to the Climate Change Mitigation, E. Filcheva and M. Stefanova (Eds.), BHSS, Sofia, 2018, 132-133. ISBN 978-619-90189-3-4
  9. S.P. Marinov, M. Stefanova, Z. Milakovska, A. Bechtel “A Thorough Study for PAHs in Dump Materials from Open-pit Lignite Mining, Maritsa Iztok Basin, Bulgaria”, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 362 012018, IOP Publishing, 2019, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/362/1/0120181
  10. Z. Milakovska, M. Stefanova, S. Marinov, K. Markova “Glimpse of the weathering processes of dump organic matter (Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, Bulgaria)”, In: Workshop “Organic matter transformations in Maritsa Iztok dump materials: view by geochemical proxies”, Z. Milakovska, M. Stefanova (Eds.) Abstract Book, Sofia, 2019, 24-25. ISBN 978-619-91305-0-6;

assoc. prof Rosica Stoyanova Ilieva

University of Forestry Sofia



assoc. prof Rosica Stoyanova Ilieva

Position: University of Forestry Sofia

Office: University of Forestry

prof. dr. Venera Tsolova Tsolova

ISSAP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia



prof. dr. Venera Tsolova Tsolova

Position: ISSAP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia
Phone: (+359 2) 899424258

Office: ISSAP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 27.12.1958, Vratza

Education: higher, chemical engineer

Degrees: Doctor of Soil Science, Professor

Key research topics:

  • Soil science – genesis, morphology and classification of soils; soil chemistry and physico-chemistry, chemical characteristics and transformation of humic substances of natural and man-made origin in soils; in situ soil analyzes.
  • Geochemistry – distribution, mobility (bioavailability) and redistribution of basic bio- and lithogenic elements in natural and anthropogenically affected (urbanized) soils.
  • Ecology – lack of basic bio- and lithogenic elements in soils and adjacent ecosystems; processes of chemical degradation of soils (acidification, salinization, pollution, loss of organic matter); applicability of different types of waste for the purposes of reclamation.
  • Engineering chemistry – technologies for reclamation of disturbed and anthropogenically affected soils.

Fellowships:Principles and applications of metrology in chemistry. EC-JRC and Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements, Geel, Belgium. 07. 2003, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Msc and phD students: 2 PhD students

Selected International projects (after 2000): “Scientific and technical collaboration for the environmental improvement of the mining and industrial area of Madan (Bulgaria)”. University of Sassari and Institute of Soil Science „N. Poushkarov“. Legge Regionale 19/96. 2002-2004. Project leader assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Martin Banov. “Towards a better understanding of ecosystem services in the urban environment through the assessment and mapping of ecosystem services” (TUNESinURB), funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) 2009-2014, BG 03 Biodiversity and Ecosystems Program. Project leader assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Zhiyanski, 2014-2017.

Administrative responsibilities: Head of Soil Chemistry Department at ISSAPP (2010-2017)

Membership of Professional Societies: : Bulgarian Humic Substances Society; International Humic Substances Society; Bulgarian Soil Science Society; International Union of Soil Sciences

Membership of Scientific Councils: scientific councils of the department “Soil Chemistry” and the department “Genesis, diagnostics and classification of soils”

International projects after 2000: “Scientific and technical collaboration for the environmental improvement of the mining and industrial area of Madan (Bulgaria)”. University of Sassari and Institute of Soil Science N. Poushkarov. Legge Regionale 19/96. 2002-2004.

Journals editorial board: Soil science, agrochemistry and ecology

Communication Languages: English C1
Publications: over 120 peer-reviewed articles and 4 books

Selected papers:

  • Banov M., V. Tsolova, L. Totev, P. Ivanov. 2013. Guide for research and reclamation of man-made and damaged lands and soils, technical liquidation and conservation of mining sites (Ed. Prof. Dr. T. Trifonova). For BSc, MSc and PhD students completing the courses of agriculture, agriculture and forestry at the Universities and Institutes in the Agricultural Academy. ISBN 978-954-92592-7-8, Abmroziya NT OOD, S., 98 p.
  • Marinkina (Tsolova) V. 1999. Study and possibilities for reclamation of sulfide-containing materials disclosed by opencast coal mining. Dissertation, IP “N. Poushkarov, 261 p.
  • Tsolova Venera. 2019. Soils: Call for Constant Focus. Acta Scientific Agriculture, vol. 3 issue 4: 161. ISSN: 2581-365X.
  • Tsolova V., M. Banov. 2011. Organic matter status in reclaimed Technosols of Bulgaria. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol. 3, № 2, pp. 155 – 159. ISSN 1313 – 8820.
  • Tsolova V., M. Banov. 2012. Review of the status and the diagnostic significance of organic matter in techogenic soils (Technosols). Journal of arts and science. Sakarya University, Turkey, pp. 701-708. ISBN 1301-3769.
  • Tsolova V., M. Hristova, J. Bech, N. Roca, M. Banov. 2014. Pb, Cu and Zn geochemistry in reclaimed soils (Technosols) of Bulgaria. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144, 337–344. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2014.02.019.
  • Tsolova V., M. Hristova, M. Banov. 2013. Pedolithogenius features and ecological functions of Technosols vulnerable to chemical degradation. In: Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 12 – 16, 2013, vol. II, pp. 1041- 1044.
  • Tsolova V., V. Kolchakov, M. Zhiyanski. 2014. Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur pools and fluxes in pyrite containing reclaimed soils (Technosols) at Gabra village, Bulgaria. Environmental processes, (2014) 1:405–414. DOI: 10.1007/s40710-014-0030-x
  • Tsolova Venera T., Plamen V. Tomov, Ivona P. Nikova, Galina P. Petkova. 2019. Pedo-chemical Perturbations in Soils from Green Ecosystems of the Sofia City (Bulgaria). Ecologia Balkanica, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 37-51. ISSN 1314-0213.
  • Tsolova Venera, Ivona Nikova and Plamen Tomov. 2020. Content and cycling of main biogenic and toxic elements in fragmented ecosystems of the Sofia city, Bulgaria. Soil & Environ. 39(2): 135-144, 2020. Online ISSN: 2075-1141