assoc. prof. dr. Angelina Daskalova

Position: Univ. Architecture
Phone: (+359 2) 9 635 245 /711

Office : Univ. Architecture, Civil Eng.& Geodesy, 1, “H. Smirnenski” Bld. 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria

assoc. prof. Biser Emilov Hristov

University of Forestry, Sofia,



assoc. prof. Biser Emilov Hristov

Position: University of Forestry, Sofia,
Phone: (+359 2) 91 907/360

Office: University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria “Kl. Ohridski” blv.10 Sofia Bulgaria

Born: 22 January 1977, Sofia

Education: Master of Ecology, Ph.D. in Soil Science

Degrees: Associated professor

Fellowships: Soil School in Ispra JRS and Godolo Hungary; Soil physics school in Triest, Italy

Teaching Experience: 4 years at University of Forestry

Msc and phD students: 3 Msc students and 1 PhD Student.

Selected International projects (after 2000): GS Soil

Membership of Scientific Councils: 2 Scientific councils in University of Forestry; Scientific council of Agriculture academy – Agriculture, Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and Melirations

Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian humic substances society , Bulgarian soil science society

Journals editorial board: Bulgarian journal of soil science; Journal of Balkan ecology

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: 87

Selected papers:

  1. Biser Hristov 2022. Soil erosion and soil conservation. Avangard-prima, ISBN – 978-619-239-729-6.
  2. Biser Hristov, 2021. Regosols in Bulgaria. Avangard-prima, ISBN: 978-619-239-651-0. 104 стр.
  3. Hristov B., E. Filcheva, P. Ivanov. 2016. Organic Matter Content and Composition of Soils with Stagnic Properties From Bulgaria. Bulg. J. of Soil Science, v. 1, Issue 1, ISSN 2367-9212, . 26-32.
  4. Biser Hristov, Ekaterina Filcheva. 2017. Soil organic matter content and composition in different pedoclimatic zones of Bulgaria. Eurasian J Soil Sci 2017, 6 (1) 65 – 74
  5. Hristov B., I. Atanasova, M.Teoharov, 2010. Minerals in Regosols from North Bulgaria, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 476 – 481.
  6. Hristov B., E. Filcheva, I. Nikova A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov, D.Petrov D. Bakardzhiev 2013, Fractional Composition of Organic Matter in Surface Horizon of Soils from “Bobov Dol” Valley, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science, 19 (No 3) 2013, 485-489
  7. Atanassova I., Hristov B., Shishkov T., Douer S., 2017. Lipid biomarkers and their environmental significance in mine soils from Eastern Europe. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Published online: 22 Mar 2017,, Pages 1-14,
  8. Hristov, B. 2014. Genesis and Characteristics of Regosols and Calcisols in the Hills of the South Danubian Plain, Silva Balkanica, 2, 50 – 57 pp.
  9. Andreeva, N., Hristov, B..Characteristic and classification of slightly saline soils from Sofia field. 2015, Proceeding – International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. 73- 78pp
  10. Ivona Nikova, Biser Hristov, Nikolai Dinev, Mariana Hristova, 2019. Assessment of Soil Quality in a Copper Mining Region in Bulgaria., Ecologia Balcanica, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 13 -23
  11. Atanasova, I. M. Banov, T. Shishkov, Z. Petkova, B. Hristov, P. Ivanov, E. Markov, I. Kirilov and M.Harizanova 2018. Relationships between soil water repellency, physical and chemical properties in hydrophobic technogenic soils from the region of maritsa-iztok coal mine in Bulgaria Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 24(2)
  12. Jonita Perfanova, Irena Atanassova, Biser Hristov, Ivaylo Kirilov, 2020. Identification of soil microflora with different types of land use, Journal of Balkan Ecology, vol. 23 No 1.
  13. Malinova, D., Malinova, L., Petrova, K., Hristov, B. Coefficients of heavy metal accumulation in forest soils 2019, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(3), 519–526
  14. Ludmila Malinova, Pavel Pavlov, Biser Hristov, 2019, Content and Stock of Organic Carbon in Soilson the Territory of Vitosha Nature Park, Forestry Ideas, vol. 25, No 2 (58): 264–274

assoc. prof. Galina Pencheva Petkova

ISS "N. Poushkarov", Sofia



assoc. prof. Galina Pencheva Petkova

Position: ISS "N. Poushkarov", Sofia
Phone: (+359 2) 8 248 937

Office: ISS “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 31.10.1958 Sofia, Bulgaria

Education: Kliment Ohridski Sofia State University, Specialty Biology, Msc. in microbiology, 1982

Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”: Soil Science, PhD and Research Assoc. – 1991

Key research topics: Soil science,soil microbiology, ecology.

Membership of Scientific Councils: Scientific council of Physics, erosion and soil biota Department

Membership of Professionals Societies: Bulgarian Soil Science Society, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: 72

Selected publications:

  1. Kostov, O., G. Petkova,O. Van Cleemput. 1994. Microbial Indicators for Sawdust and Bark Compost Stability and Humification Processes. Bioresource Technology, 50, 3, 193 – 200.
  2. Kostov, O., Y. Tzvetkov, G. Petkova, J. M. Lynch.1996. Aerobic Composting of Plant Wastes and their Effect on the Yield of Ryegrass and Tomatoes. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 23, 1, 20 – 25.
  3. Djonova, E., G. Petkova, I. Stancheva. 2015. Influence of Double Microbial Associations with AM-fungi and Rhizobium on the Growth of Alfalfa and Red Clover and on the Soil Structure. Seminar of ecology with international participation dedicated to 70 years USB,24-25.2014, София, 121-129.
  4. Stancheva, I., M. Geneva, M. Christoskova, M. Chishanova, R. Donkova, G. Petkova, E. Djonova. 2016. Response of Vigna Inguilata Grown under Different Soil Moisture Regimes to the Dual Inoculation with Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Communication in Soil and Plant Analysis.
  5. Petkova, G., E. Djonova, G. Stoimenov. 2015. Effect of Biochar Addition on the Soil Microflora in Maize and Wheat Cultivation. Soil and Agrotechnology in a Changing World – International Conference Dedicated to the International Year of Soils and the 140-th Anniversary from the Birth of Nikola Poushkarov, 11-15. 05. 2015
  6. Djonova, E., G. Petkova, I. Stancheva, M. Geneva, Tz. Mihovsky. 2016. Response of Pasture Grasses to Inoculation with Mycorrhizal Fungi and N-fixing Bacteria. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, www., 1, 64 -77.
  7. Nedyalkova, K., G. Petkova, I. Atanasova, M. Banov, P. Ivanov. 2018. Changes in Microbiological Properties of Hydrophobic Technogenic Soil (Technosol) after Remediation with Pinus nigra. Comptes rendus de l Academic Bulgare des Sciences, 4, 577- 586.
  8. Petkova, G., K. Nedyalkova, A. Mikova, I. Atanasova. 2018. Microbiological Characteristics of Biochar Amended Alluvial Meadow Soil. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24, (Supp. 2), 81 – 84.
  9. Petkova, G., K. Nedyalkova, J. Perfanova. 2019. Effect of Microbial Inoculants on Alfalfa Rhizosphere Soil. Journal of Balkan Ecology, 22, 4, 350-357.
  10. Tzolova, V., P. Tomov, I. Nikova, G. Petkova. 2019. Effect of Alteration of Mineral and Organic Matrix of Soils in Green Ecosystems of the Sofia City (Bulgaria). Ecologia Balkanica, 11, 2, 37 – 51.

PhD, chemist Denitsa Todorova Apostolova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia



PhD, chemist Denitsa Todorova Apostolova

Position: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia
Phone: +359 888 90 81 73

Office: Department of Geology, Paleontology and Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology and Geography Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia 1504, BULGARIA

Born: 4 July 1981, Sofia


  • Bachelor Degree -2005, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Chemistry
  • Master Degree -2010, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • PhD Degree – 2018, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography

Degrees: PhD, 2018, Sofia University St ”Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography

Key research topics:

  • Geochemistry and pollution of soils from the polar regions
  • Organic geochemistry and organic petrology
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coals, coal combustion by-products and soils
  • Analysis of major, minor and trace elements in coals, organic rich rocks and soils
  • Envorinmental problems related with coal combustion in TPPs
  • Geochemistry of coal and coal combustion by-products


  1. Participant in the 27th Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition – December 2018-February 2019.
  2. SYNTHESYS grant in Natural History Museum in London, Great Britain (02.052017-17-05.2017). Title of the project Abundance and speciation of anthropogenic Pb, Cd and As in Cryosols from Antarctica, Siberia and northern Canada.
  3. Specialisation at the University of Leoben, Austria, gained a scholarship -OEAD Ernst Mach Grant, Ernst Mach-wordwide (01.03.2016-31.05.2016).
  4. Participant in the 25th Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition – December 2016-January 2017.
  5. Participant in the 24th Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition – December 2015-January 2016.
  6. Participant to the GASALB – CORTADO research cruise to the Mediterranean, (Cadiz, Spain – Catania, Sicily, Italy), November – December, 2011.
  7. Selected International projects (after 2000): Evaluation of organic matter in Mesozoic sediments from low and high latitude territories of Antarctica and Central Europe. Project № КП-06-Austria -1 / 06.08.2019 funded by the National Science Fund. (FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR BILATERAL PROJECTS 2018 – BULGARIA – AUSTRIA)

    Environmental aspects of coal utilization in Chinese and Bulgarian thermoelectric power plants – insights from in-seam coal, feed coal and fly-ash geochemistry and their environmental influences.
    Project for the bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and China № ДО 02-7/23. 09. 2008 funded by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.

    Administrative responsibilities: Chemist, senior researcher at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Geology, Paleontology and fossil fuels Department

    Membership of Professional Societies:

    • Member of Bulgarian Geological Society (BGS)
    • Board member of APECS Bulgaria (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists Bulgaria)
    • Member of Bulgarian Antarctic Institute
    • Member of Bulgarian Humic Substances Society
    • Member of International Humic Substances Society

    Communication Languages: english


    1. Apostolova, D., Bechtel, A., Kostova, I., Stefanova, M., 2020. Biomarkers assemblage of unburned coal particles in fly ashes from Bulgarian thermoelectric power plants. Journal of Mining and Geological Sciences, Annual 2020, Vol. 63, 203-206.
    2. Apostolova D., E. Filcheva, A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova. 2019. Characterization of Soil Organic Matter and PAHs concentration in soils at Livingston Island, Andarctica. Silva Balcanica Journal, 20 (Special issue 1), 117-122.
    3. Apostolova, D., A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova. 2017. Biomarkers composition and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) characteristic of Bulgarian coals with different rank and origin. – Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 70, 2, 243-252, (IF 0,233)
    4. Kostova,I., Apostolova, D., Dai, S. 2015. “Investigation of some mercury organic compounds in coal and fly ash samples from bulgarian and greek thermoelectric power plants”. -Comptes rendus de I’ Academie bulgare des sciences, Vol 68, No 7, 889-896. (IF 0,233)
    5. Kostova, I., Apostolova, D., Filcheva, F., Klain, L., Popov M. 2015. “Geochemical composition and properties of Antarctic soil samples from Livingston Island”. – Annual of the University of mining and geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Vol. 58, Part I, Geology and Geophysics, 107-116
    6. Kostova, I., Vassileva, C., Dai, S., Hower, J.C., Apostolova, D. 2013.“Influence of surface area properties on mercury capture behaviour of coal fly ashes from some Bulgarian power plants” – International Journal of Coal Geology, Volume 116-117, 1, Pages 227-235, September. (IF 4,201)
    7. Markova, K., Valceva, S., Yossifova, M., Apostolova, D., Chukarski, M. 2013. Oxidation level of lignites from the Berovo deposit, R. Macedonia (FYROM)- Oxidation Communications Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 464-471. (IF 0,398)
    8. Markova, K., Stefanova, M., Ivanov, M., Pimpirev, Ch., Marinov, S., Apostolova, D. 2011. Geochemical Characteristics of soluble organic matter from the sediments of the Bulgarian Antarctic Base, 2 section (Miers Bluff Formation). – Comptes rendus de I’ Academie bulgare des sciences, 10, 64, 1461-1468. (IF 0,233)
    9. Markova, K., Stefanova, M., Ivanov, M., Valceva, S., Marinov, S., Pimpirev, Ch., Apostolova, D. 2010. ”Geochemical Characterization of Organic Matter from Sally Rocks Section and from the Rocks of the Basement of the Bulgarian Antarctic Base 1 section (Miers Bluff Formation), Livingston Island, Antarctica.”- Comptes rendus de I’ Academie bulgare des sciences, Vol. 10, 63, Pages 1493-1504. (IF 0,233)
    10. Markova, K., Stefanova, M., Ivanov, I., Valceva, S., Marinov, S., Pimpirev, Ch., Apostolova, D. 2009. “Geochemical Characteristics on Organic Matter of Lower Parts of Johnsons Dock Member Sediments (Miers Bluff Formation) “– Comptes rendus de I’ Academie bulgare des sciences, Vol 7, 62, Pages 875-882. (IF 0,233)

Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Filcheva-Konisheva

ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia



Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Filcheva-Konisheva

Position: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia
Phone: +359 888 72 38 18

Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 02. 08. 1949, Sofia, Bulgaria

Education: MSc., Inorganic Chemistry, Sofia University “Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Chemistry, 1972

Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”: phD – 1976 in Soil Science, Research Assoc. – 1977, Assoc. Prof. – 1990; Prof. – 2005.

Key research topics:
Soil Science
Investigation of soil organic matter and methods for its determination related to:

  • soil genesis and classification;
  • soil quality, fertility and carbon sequestration;
  • carry out of different tillage systems, fertilization, crop rotations and application of sewage sludge;
  • humus formation processes management in model and natural media with organo-mineral amendments;
  • composting of different wastes and possibilities for agricultural application;
  • complex formation of soil organic matter with heavy metals and radionuclides;

Construction and management of databank on organic carbon reserves (stocks) of Bulgaria soils.


  • 1993 – Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, USA “Influence of enriched with Fe, Mn and Zn biosolids on the uptake of elements by plants”, supervisor Rufus Chaney;
  • 1993 – EC Fellowship (N 5340), The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Aberdeen, UK “Effect of pollution with heavy metals on the organic matter transformation”, supervisor Martin Cheshire;
  • 2000 – NATO Fellowship at the Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping, Larissa, Greece “New approach for maintaining and management of soil humus in sustainable agriculture”, supervisor Christos Tsadilas.

Administrative responsibilities: head of Laboratory of soil organic matter – 1987 – 1993; Scientific Secretary and head of the section “Coordination of Scientific activity, and International cooperation” – 2004 – 2008; Head of department “Soil genesis, geography and classification” – since 10.10 2011.

Organization membership: Bulgarian Humic Substances Society (BHSS) –President; International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) – Nat. Coordinator фор Булгариа;Bulgarian Soil Science Society; IUSS; European Society of Soil Conservation (ESSC) тилл 2015; Scientific Technical Union, Bulgarian Agricultural Historical Society.
Teaching Experience: MSci in Sustainable Land manegement – Soil organic matter (SOM), humus, composts, University of forestry – 2012 г., 2014 – Project „Students practice” „Characteristics of humus systems formed in different conditions”, 2014 – Programs for за individual and grouped preparation of young scientists in „soil organic matter”. Project Ministry of education and Science, BG051PO001- “Program for improving of interdisciplinary preparation and increasing qualification of young scientists in soil science and ecology.

International projects after 2000:

  • “Improvement of zeolite effect in polluted soils for better nitrogen and carbon sequestration”, RITE, Japan(2001-2002);
  • “Improvement of zeolite effect in flooded soils for better nitrogen and carbon sequestration “, RITE, Japan, (2002-2003);
  • Phyto Dec – A decision Support System to quantify cost/benefit relationships of the use of vegetation in the management of heavy metal polluted soils and dudged sediments;
  • GEF/UNDP financed project entitled “Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Bulgaria”, 2005-2006;
  • ECOLAS (Professional Services Agreement 06812/PI-01) “Development and implementation of a soil monitoring and assessment for the Republic of Bulgaria” 2004-2005;
  • Floods and other region weather-driven natural hazards – prediction and mitigation (WDNH): Soils data – Bulgaria. JRC/ISS N. Poushkarov (2006-2007);
  • FP6 – Environmental Assessment of Soil for Monitoring (ENVASSO) (2006-2008);
  • Development of educational module on sustainable land management for the needs of professional secondary schools for agriculture and forestry. UNDP/ISS “N. Poushkarov”, Bulgaria (2006-2007);
  • “Defining the Possible SLM Options Based on the Organic Carbon Reserves in the Bulgarian Soils”, UNDP/BHSS, 2007.
  • GS Soil “Assessment and strategic development of INSPIRE compliant Geodata-Services for European Soil Data” (2009-2012).

Membership of professional bodies: Scientific Council of the Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”; Expert Council for Soil Science, General Agronomy and Melioration at the National Center for Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Academy (since 2007); Specialized Scientific Council for Soil Science, Agro chemistry and General Agronomy at the Highest Testimonial Commission -2007-May 2010;

Journals editorial board: “Soil science, Agrochemistry and ecology”; Journal of Ecological Science “Ecology and Future”; “J. Balkan Ecology; Journal, Geosciences Report; Editorial-in-Chief of World Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences; Assoc. Editor of Journal „Geochemical Exploration”..

Communication Languages: English, Russian

Publications: Тоtal publications 251 including 3 monographs, 5 chapters in book (2002), chapter in Proceeding “Sustainable Land Management” (2007), 6 chapters in book (2014), Journals, Proceedings in conferences, congresses, 1 dissertation, 1Habilitation Thesis; and 2 invention Certificates, 262 citations of 97 publications(index h=5).

Selected papers:

  1. Filcheva Ekaterina. 2015. Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter of Bulgarian Soils. Lap Lambert Academic publishing ISBN 978-3-659-
    51204-9, pp. 177.
  2. Filcheva Ekaterina, Paunka Bozhinova, Nikolai Dinev, Mariana Hristova. 2017. Soil Organic matter and its role in binding heavy metals.
    Studies on polluted soils of Bulgaria. LambertAcademic publishing ISBN 978-3-33006566-6, pp. 67.
  3. Toma Shishkov, Ekaterina Filcheva, Margarita Nankova, Milena. Kercheva, Emil Dimitrov. 2019. Humic Substances, physicochemical properties and agrochemical characteristic of stronghly leached Chernozem from northeastern BULGARIA, Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,29-44.
  4. Apostolova D., E. Filcheva, A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova. 2019. Characterization of Soil Organic Matter and PAHs concentration in soils at Livingston Island, Andarctica. Silva Balcanica Journal, 20 (Special issue 1), 117-122.
  5. Kostova, I., Apostolova, D., Filcheva, F., Klain, L., Popov M. 2015. “Geochemical composition and properties of Antarctic soil samples from Livingston Island”. – Annual of the University of mining and geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Vol. 58, Part I, Geology and Geophysics, 107-116
  6. Ekaterina Filcheva, Mariana Hristova, Pavlina Nikolova, Todorka Popova, Konstantin Chakalov, Valentin Savov. 2018. Quantitative and qualitative characterisation of humic products with spectral parameters. . Journal of Soils and Sediments. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018, ISSN: 1614-7480, Issue 8, pp 2863–2867
  7. Toma Shishkow, Ekaterina Filcheva. 2018. Trace elements and organic matter composition in strongly leached cinnamonic forest soil from Pernik region. Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,79-88.
  8. D. Apostolova, E. Filcheva, A. Bechtel, K. Markova, I. Kostova 2019. Characterization of Soil Organic Matter and PAHs concentration in soils at Livingstone Island, Antarctida. Silva Balcanica, 20(Special issue 1), ISSN 131 1-8706,79-88.
  9. Martin Haigh *, Patricia Woodruffe, Margaret D'Aucourt, Elanor Alun, Gillian Wilding, Sue Fitzpatrick, Ekaterina Filcheva, Maya Noustorova. 2020. Successful Ecological Regeneration of Opencast Coal-mine Spoilsthrough Forestation: From Cradle to Grove. Minerals. (In: Gutierrez, M. (ed), ‘Sustainable use of abandoned mines’ special issue). Minerals (MDPI) 10(5), art. 461, 1-28.
  10. Ekaterina Filcheva, Maya Noustorova, Mariana Hristova, Boika Malcheva, Martin Haigh. 2020. Microbiological Activity and Soil Organic Matter in Technosols of Wales. Catena (in Press)

prof. dr. Ivan Dimitrov Spasov

ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, Sofia



prof. dr. Ivan Dimitrov Spasov

Position: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, Sofia
Phone: (+359 2) 8248986

Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria

Born: 02.08. 1955, Novo selo, Vidin

Education: Agricultural university, 1981

Degrees: Assoc. Professor – 1998, phD-1989

Key research topics: agricultural tillage systems

Msc and phD students: Msc – 2.

Administrative responsibilities: Head of department Field Trials Stations

Membership of Scientific Councils: Scientific council of ISS “N. Poushkarov”.

International projects after 2000:

  • INCO COPERNICUS ERB IC15-CT98-0125, 1999-2001;

Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian humic substances society, ISTRO, BSSS, IUSS

Communication Languages: German, Russian, English

Publications: 95 papers

Selected papers:

  • Dimitrov I., 2003. Soil Tillage as a Factor for the Moisture Conservation at Drought. Ecology and Future, 4, 18-21.
  • Dimitrov I., 2003. Decomposition and transformation of plant residues in to organic matter in dependence of soil tillage. Ecology and Future, 1, 93-95 .
  • Dimitrov I., I. Pachev, S. Krastanov, 2003. Technological evaluation of siderat crops applied to biological reclamation. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “50 years University of Forestry”, 43-46.
  • Dimitrov I., D. Ivanov, M. Borisova, D. Nikolova. 2006. Impact of agricultural practices on the reduction of unfavourable soil and climatic conditions stress on field crops. Proceedings of 17th Triennial Conference of ISTRO, Kiel, Germany, 321-325.
  • Sabev V., I. Pachev, I. Dimitrov. 2006. Studies on soil cultivation in soybean. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, vol. 9, 3, 422-440.
  • Dimitrov I., T. Mitova, I. Pachev 2007. Changes of some physical properties of Haplic Chernozems under soil tillage applied during alfalfa Growing. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference soil science – base for sustainable agriculture, Sofia, 152-157.
  • I. Pachev, E. Filcheva, Dimitrov I. 2007.Soil organic matter composition related to soil tillage and fertilization of Lucerne. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference soil science – base for sustainable agriculture, Sofia, 187-192.

Prof. Dr. Ivan Pachev

Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven



Prof. Dr. Ivan Pachev

Position: Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven
Phone: (+359.64) 2474

Office: Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven, 5800 , Gen. Toshevo Bulgaria

Born: 18.06.1953 г., Toros village

assis. prof. dr. Ivo Ganchev

ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia



assis. prof. dr. Ivo Ganchev

Position: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov” Sofia
Phone: 0877/326-823

Office: Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str. 1080 Sofia Bulgaria

Born: 1980, Bansko

Education: Master technological Engineer, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, 2004

Degrees: PhD degree in Microbiology, The “Stephan Angeloff” Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2019

Key research topics:

  • Soil Microbiology, Microbial biofilms
  • Co-aggregation between cells of different microbial strains and as a prerequisite for the formation of the biofilms by the participation of the various strains, development of the microorganisms in bound form and formation of the biofilms, mechanisms of intercellular communication in their structures, structure of the microbial communities, morphological properties in response to different conditions of their cultivation, mechanisms of eradication of the biofilms formed by the participation of the different strains
  • Biosynthesis of surfactants and proteolytic enzymes by Bacillus subtilis strains, structural and biochemical analysis and their application for eradication of microbial biofilms

Fellowships: University of Kassel, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology, specializing in cell biology, at biophysics, Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany

Membership of Professional Societies: FEMS – Federation of European Microbiological Societies, Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria), Bulgarian Humic Substances Society, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)

Communication Languages: German and English
Publications: 13

Selected papers:

  1. Ganchev I. 2012. Immobilization Yeasts – Basis for Development of Bioethanol Industry. Ecology – Interdisciplinary Science and Practice, 1:177-183
  2. Ganchev I. 2012. Biotechnological Aspects of Hydrolysis of Lignicellulosic Biomass. Ecology – Interdisciplinary Science and Practice, 1:184-191
  3. Ganchev I., Z. Koleva, Y. Kizheva, P. Moncheva , P. Hristova 2014. Lactic Acid Bacteria from Spontaneosly Fermented Rye Sourdough. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20 (Supplement 1) 2014, 69–73
  4. Ganchev I., S. Mihailova 2016. Mechanism of bacterial co-aggregation between Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli K-12 strains. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 48, Special Issue G (pp. 136-141)
  5. Ganchev I. 2016. Biofilm Formation between Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli K-12 Strains as Model System for Study of Soil Process under Conditions of Low Content of Humic Substances. In: Filcheva, Stefanova, Ilieva eds.). 4th Nat. conf. of BHSS with Int. Participation. Humic Substences and their Contribution to The Climate Change Mitigation, 8-10 September, 2016, Sofia, ISBN 978-619-90189-2-7,:249-266
  6. Ganchev I. 2018. Biofilm Formation between Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli K-12 Strains at Acidic and Oxidative Stress. Science Journal of Chemistry, 7(1): 15-28
  7. Ganchev I. 2019. Effect of sugars on the structure and morphological features of mixed biofilms. Humic Substences and their Contribution to The Climate Change Mitigation, 6:187-189
  8. Ganchev I. 2019. Role of bio surfactants of B. subtilis 170 and 168 on mixed biofilm formation. Humic Substences and their Contribution to The Climate Change Mitigation, 6:189-190
  9. Ganchev I. 2020. Protein content enhances biofilm development in Bacillus Subtilis and Escherichia coli K-12 strains. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 54 (3):89-102
  10. Ganchev I. 2020. Relationship between biofilm forming ability and biological activity of Bacillus subtilis strains. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 54 (3):103-117

assis. prof. Ivona Petrova Nikova

“N. Poushkarov” Sofia



assis. prof. Ivona Petrova Nikova

Position: “N. Poushkarov” Sofia
Phone: 0887746183

Office: Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str. 1080 Sofia Bulgaria

Born: 03.02.1978

Education: Master of Science in Environmental Protection
Degrees: PhD, 2009
Key research topics: Soil Pollution, Soil Conservation, Soil protection, Monitoring, Amelioration, physico-chemical characteristics

Teaching Experience: Msc and phD students

Administrative responsibilities: Assistant Professor at Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection “N. Poushkarov”

Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian Soil Science Society, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society

Communication Languages: English, Spanish, Russian


  1. Nikova Ivona, Venera Tsolova, Bisser Hristov, Aleksandar Zdravkov, Kalin Ruskov. Geochemical pattern of soils in the Bobovdol valley. Assessment of Cd and Co contents. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 5 (3) 172 – 181, 2016, DOI:
  2. A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. Occurrence and distribution of arsenic in the humus horizon of Bobov Dol valley, Year book of UMG ” Ivan Rilski”, 55 , 1, 40-49 . 2012.

  3. Stefanov Detelin, Kalina Ananieva, Emilia Gesheva, Nikolai Dinev, Ivona Nikova, Andon Vasilev, Snezhana Doncheva. 2014. Ptox-dependent electron flow is involved in photosynthetic electron transport protection against heavy metal toxicity in sunflower leaves.Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol 67, No7, pp.931-936
  4. Ivona Nikova, Tsolova V. Mobility of trace elements in virgin soils from the Bobov dol valley, Bulgaria, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017, p.743-751, 2017.
  5. Venera Tsolova, Bisser Hristov, Ivona Nikova, Aleksandar Zdravkov, Kalin Ruskov.. Pedogeochemical hallmarks of chromium, nickel and vanadium distribution in Bobov dol valley, Bulgaria. Silva Balcanica, 19(1), p. 43-55, 2018
  6. Tsolova Venera, Ivona Nikova, Bisser Hristov, Kalin Ruskov, Alexandar Zdravkov. Geochemical patterns of soils in the Bobov dol valley, Bulgaria. Assessment of Cu, Pb and Zn contents. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science® 2016 Volume 1. Issue 2., 2016

Honorary member:

prof. dr. Slaveiko Krastanov




prof. dr. Slaveiko Krastanov

Position: 11.02.1926-26.03.2010

Born: 1926.02.11; Sofia-Dobroslavtzy

Education: Sofia University Kliment Ochridski, Faculty of agronomy, 1949

Degrees: Doctor 1968 USSR Moskow University; 1979 Research professor Soil research institute Poushkarov

Key research topics: Soil organic matter, Soil classification and cartography, evaluation of soil productivity potential, Soil ecology.


  • 5 months – Soil institute Docuchaev, Moscow, Russa
  • 2 months – Moscow universiti Lomonosov
  • 6 months – University of Illinois USA

Teaching Experience: 1980-1983 Honorary lecturer

Msc and phD students: 5 Msc students; 5 phD students

Administrative responsibilities:

  • 1974-1976 – Head of Dеpartment “Soil genesis and classification” ISS Poushkarov
  • 1977-1979 – Manager of project FAO NO 0503-05-01 „Agricultural Lands as a source of pollutants of the Mediterranean” and project FAO/UNEP “Development of an International Programme on Biological

Nitrogen Fixation” to the HQ of FAO – Rome

  • 1980-1983 – Head of Department “Soil genesis and classification” Institute Poushcarov
  • 1980-1983 – Leader of international project FP 1106-81-03 (PP-2212) “Impact of land use on mountainous ecosystems” (Preliminary faze).
  • 1986-1987 – Leader of project “Establishment of monitoring of forest ecosystems in Bulgaria” Forest institute BAS.

Membership of Scientific Councils:

  • 1980-1983 – Institute “N. Poushkarov”
  • 1983-1987 – Forest institute, BAS
  • 1987-1992 – Research Center of Ecology to the Comity of environment

Membership of Professional Societies: National Society of Soil Science, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society – Honorary member, International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS).

Communication Languages: English-good; Russian-good, French-slight

Publications: 204

Selected papers:

  1. Krastanov S. Filcheva E. Rousseva s. Raichev T, Dimitrov I. Pachev I. 2003. Tendencies and Perspectives of the Research on Humic Substances, J. of “Ecology and Future, v II № 3-4, 11-17.
  2. Krastanov S.1977 Characteristic of organic matter of the main soil types of North Bulgaria. In „Organic matter of virgin and arable soils”. Academy of Science, Soviet Union, Nauka.
  3. Krastanov S. Ciric M. Hamza M. 1977. Agricultural lands as a source of pollutants of the Meriterranean FAO document № 0503-76-01 Ed. Hauck W. p 67. Rome.
  4. Krastanov S. at al, 1975. Surface Water-Logiging Soils in Bulgaria, (book) p 160 Bulgarian Academy of Science.
  5. Krastanov S.1972. Soil Organic Matter and Soil Fertility. (book) Agrarian Academy p 98.
  6. Stevenson F. Krastanov S. Ardakani M. 1973. Formation constants of Cu2+ komplexes with humic and fulvic acids. J. of“Geoderma”, 9, 129-141 Amsterdam.
  7. Krastanov S. I. Vodenicharov, D. Bratanova, N. Ninov. 1973. Composition and nature of humus of the mail soil types and subtypes in Bulgaria. Soil Science and Agro chemistry, VIII № 5 (Bul).
  8. Krastanov S., Iv. Atanasov,1968, Application the BET method in the study the soil organic matter J. of “Comptes Rendus de l`academie de Sciences Agricoles en Bulgarie № 3. Sofia.
  9. Krastanov S. at al, Soil map of Bulgaria-1:400 000, 1968. Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS).
  10. Krastanov S., Sun Ka Yun, M. Petrova, 1965. Research on humification processes using radioactive organic material. J. of Plant science, vol. II, № 9 (Bul.)