Office : Univ. Architecture, Civil Eng.& Geodesy, 1, “H. Smirnenski” Bld. 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria
Office: University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria “Kl. Ohridski” blv.10 Sofia Bulgaria
Born: 22 January 1977, Sofia
Education: Master of Ecology, Ph.D. in Soil Science
Degrees: Associated professor
Fellowships: Soil School in Ispra JRS and Godolo Hungary; Soil physics school in Triest, Italy
Teaching Experience: 4 years at University of Forestry
Msc and phD students: 3 Msc students and 1 PhD Student.
Selected International projects (after 2000): GS Soil
Membership of Scientific Councils: 2 Scientific councils in University of Forestry; Scientific council of Agriculture academy – Agriculture, Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and Melirations
Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian humic substances society , Bulgarian soil science society
Journals editorial board: Bulgarian journal of soil science; Journal of Balkan ecology
Communication Languages: English, Russian
Publications: 87
Selected papers:
Office: ISS “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria
Born: 31.10.1958 Sofia, Bulgaria
Education: Kliment Ohridski Sofia State University, Specialty Biology, Msc. in microbiology, 1982
Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”: Soil Science, PhD and Research Assoc. – 1991
Key research topics: Soil science,soil microbiology, ecology.
Membership of Scientific Councils: Scientific council of Physics, erosion and soil biota Department
Membership of Professionals Societies: Bulgarian Soil Science Society, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society
Communication Languages: English, Russian
Publications: 72
Selected publications:
Office: Department of Geology, Paleontology and Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology and Geography Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia 1504, BULGARIA
Born: 4 July 1981, Sofia
Degrees: PhD, 2018, Sofia University St ”Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography
Key research topics:
Selected International projects (after 2000): Evaluation of organic matter in Mesozoic sediments from low and high latitude territories of Antarctica and Central Europe. Project № КП-06-Austria -1 / 06.08.2019 funded by the National Science Fund. (FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR BILATERAL PROJECTS 2018 – BULGARIA – AUSTRIA)
Environmental aspects of coal utilization in Chinese and Bulgarian thermoelectric power plants – insights from in-seam coal, feed coal and fly-ash geochemistry and their environmental influences.
Project for the bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and China № ДО 02-7/23. 09. 2008 funded by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
Administrative responsibilities: Chemist, senior researcher at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Geology, Paleontology and fossil fuels Department
Membership of Professional Societies:
Communication Languages: english
Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria
Born: 02. 08. 1949, Sofia, Bulgaria
Education: MSc., Inorganic Chemistry, Sofia University “Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Chemistry, 1972
Degrees: ISS “N. Poushkarov”: phD – 1976 in Soil Science, Research Assoc. – 1977, Assoc. Prof. – 1990; Prof. – 2005.
Key research topics:
Soil Science
Investigation of soil organic matter and methods for its determination related to:
Construction and management of databank on organic carbon reserves (stocks) of Bulgaria soils.
Administrative responsibilities: head of Laboratory of soil organic matter – 1987 – 1993; Scientific Secretary and head of the section “Coordination of Scientific activity, and International cooperation” – 2004 – 2008; Head of department “Soil genesis, geography and classification” – since 10.10 2011.
Organization membership: Bulgarian Humic Substances Society (BHSS) –President; International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) – Nat. Coordinator фор Булгариа;Bulgarian Soil Science Society; IUSS; European Society of Soil Conservation (ESSC) тилл 2015; Scientific Technical Union, Bulgarian Agricultural Historical Society.
Teaching Experience: MSci in Sustainable Land manegement – Soil organic matter (SOM), humus, composts, University of forestry – 2012 г., 2014 – Project „Students practice” „Characteristics of humus systems formed in different conditions”, 2014 – Programs for за individual and grouped preparation of young scientists in „soil organic matter”. Project Ministry of education and Science, BG051PO001- “Program for improving of interdisciplinary preparation and increasing qualification of young scientists in soil science and ecology.
International projects after 2000:
Membership of professional bodies: Scientific Council of the Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”; Expert Council for Soil Science, General Agronomy and Melioration at the National Center for Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Academy (since 2007); Specialized Scientific Council for Soil Science, Agro chemistry and General Agronomy at the Highest Testimonial Commission -2007-May 2010;
Journals editorial board: “Soil science, Agrochemistry and ecology”; Journal of Ecological Science “Ecology and Future”; “J. Balkan Ecology; Journal, Geosciences Report; Editorial-in-Chief of World Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences; Assoc. Editor of Journal „Geochemical Exploration”..
Communication Languages: English, Russian
Publications: Тоtal publications 251 including 3 monographs, 5 chapters in book (2002), chapter in Proceeding “Sustainable Land Management” (2007), 6 chapters in book (2014), Journals, Proceedings in conferences, congresses, 1 dissertation, 1Habilitation Thesis; and 2 invention Certificates, 262 citations of 97 publications(index h=5).
Selected papers:
Office: ISSAPP “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria
Born: 02.08. 1955, Novo selo, Vidin
Education: Agricultural university, 1981
Degrees: Assoc. Professor – 1998, phD-1989
Key research topics: agricultural tillage systems
Msc and phD students: Msc – 2.
Administrative responsibilities: Head of department Field Trials Stations
Membership of Scientific Councils: Scientific council of ISS “N. Poushkarov”.
International projects after 2000:
Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian humic substances society, ISTRO, BSSS, IUSS
Communication Languages: German, Russian, English
Publications: 95 papers
Selected papers:
Office: Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven, 5800 , Gen. Toshevo Bulgaria
Born: 18.06.1953 г., Toros village
Office: Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str. 1080 Sofia Bulgaria
Born: 1980, Bansko
Education: Master technological Engineer, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, 2004
Degrees: PhD degree in Microbiology, The “Stephan Angeloff” Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2019
Key research topics:
Fellowships: University of Kassel, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology, specializing in cell biology, at biophysics, Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany
Membership of Professional Societies: FEMS – Federation of European Microbiological Societies, Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria), Bulgarian Humic Substances Society, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)
Communication Languages: German and English
Publications: 13
Selected papers:
Office: Institute of Soil Science “N. Poushkarov”, 7 “Shousse Bankya” str. 1080 Sofia Bulgaria
Born: 03.02.1978
Education: Master of Science in Environmental Protection
Degrees: PhD, 2009
Key research topics: Soil Pollution, Soil Conservation, Soil protection, Monitoring, Amelioration, physico-chemical characteristics
Teaching Experience: Msc and phD students
Administrative responsibilities: Assistant Professor at Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection “N. Poushkarov”
Membership of Professional Societies: Bulgarian Soil Science Society, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society
Communication Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. Occurrence and distribution of arsenic in the humus horizon of Bobov Dol valley, Year book of UMG ” Ivan Rilski”, 55 , 1, 40-49 . 2012.
Born: 1926.02.11; Sofia-Dobroslavtzy
Education: Sofia University Kliment Ochridski, Faculty of agronomy, 1949
Degrees: Doctor 1968 USSR Moskow University; 1979 Research professor Soil research institute Poushkarov
Key research topics: Soil organic matter, Soil classification and cartography, evaluation of soil productivity potential, Soil ecology.
Teaching Experience: 1980-1983 Honorary lecturer
Msc and phD students: 5 Msc students; 5 phD students
Administrative responsibilities:
Nitrogen Fixation” to the HQ of FAO – Rome
Membership of Scientific Councils:
Membership of Professional Societies: National Society of Soil Science, Bulgarian Humic Substances Society – Honorary member, International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS).
Communication Languages: English-good; Russian-good, French-slight
Publications: 204
Selected papers: